Accueil » Disability Awareness » Corporate » The Handi-cube Experience

The Handi-cube Experience

Premiers de Cordée offers a fun concept: a cube containing objects that allow employees to simulate a visual, auditory or physical disability within the context of their work.

This experience allows them to fully understand the professional daily life of people with disabilities but also to encourage change and solidarity.

Taking part in a disabled sport event means:

changing the way people look at disability

Promoting mutual aid and understanding

supporting sport in hospitals

These events can be set up throughout the year but also during awareness weeks such as SEEPH or Sustainable Development Week – quotes available on request. Investing in this service helps finance the “Sport in Hospitals” program.

An enriching experience for all, which allows them to better understand different types of disability and thus to better appreciate them in a professional environment.

Benoît ORSEL, HR and Diversity Group Leader – Stade de France Consortium

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