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Our association life

Financial transparency

Since 2010, Premiers de Cordée has operated a balanced budget that sustains the implementation and development of our “Sport in Hospitals” program. Thus, 33% of funds come from the public purse, 33% from private funds and the association invests the remainder through its own funding, collected by our “Disability Awareness” program.

Moreover, Premiers de Cordée has a keen eye on sound financial management. In 2023, for every euro spent, 0.80 cents go directly to on-the-ground activities.

An independent auditor ensures the validity of our annual accounts. In addition, spending on our projects is regularly inspected. The 2023 accounts were approved by the General Assembly on June 22nd, 2023.

Out of a desire for transparency towards our members, donors and partners, Premiers de Cordée publishes our auditor’s financial report.

This management approach and the resulting controls are, for the association, the guarantee of our smooth running.

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